世基生物醫學(股)公司 Pharmigene
世基生醫 (pharmigene) 的使命是開發專業基因診斷工具,精準醫療服務,提供民眾用藥前的用藥體質檢測,避免藥物不良反應,以達到促進個人健康並推動個人化醫療的目標。
Pharmigene’s mission is to protect human life from adverse effects and to enhance drug efficacy and safety.
思捷優達(股)公司 Yoda Pharmaceuticals Inc.
英屬開曼群島商思捷優達股份有限公司由台灣大學、陽明交大、國家衛生研究院等研究學者與精神科醫師於2019 年攜手創立, 孵化自台灣國家型計畫與美國史丹佛大學的全球SPARK計畫,是一家以AI 人工智慧技術為基石,專注於中樞神經系統疾病(CNS)領域的新藥開發公司。 開發中產品YA-101,業於2022年獲得美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)授予的多重系統退化症 (Multiple System Atrophy, MSA) 孤兒藥認證, 並已進入一期臨床試驗。思捷優達目前在神經與精神疾病領域有多個新藥研發產品線,適應症包括思覺失調症、阿茲海默症、多重系統退化症等,秉持著致力於填補醫療需求空白的使命,致力於 為急需創新、有效、安全和便捷藥物的精神與神經退化性疾病患者帶來新的治療選擇。
YA-101, Yoda's flagship drug, received orphan drug designation for Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2022 and has entered phase I clinical trials. In addition, Yoda’s development pipeline includes new durgs in the field of neurological and psychiatric disorders and cerebrovascular diseases, targeting conditions such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson‘s disease, Autism, ischemic stroke, and traumatic brain injury . Driven by a mission to address unmet medical needs, we are dedicated to offering new treatment options that are innovative, effective, safe, and convenient.