奇博科技股份有限公司於2013年由何彥德博士創立於新竹,何博士於國立陽明交通大學土木系攻讀碩博士期間即師從光纖光柵感測技術(FBG sensing)的先驅~黃安斌特聘教授,在黃教授於2002年建立的光纖光柵感測實驗室鑽研光纖光柵感測技術、產品的開發與應用領域的開拓,該實驗室也逐步成為光纖光柵感測技術發展的重鎮。歷經近10年的研究開發,從理論基礎的建立、材料的選擇測試、設計方法的創新與驗證、製造方法的發展與驗證、各類治夾具的開發、各種應用的工業黏膠庫的建立、及測試與標定技術及設備之研發製造,累計投入NT$8000萬,建立了完整的核心技術,完成了土木監測相關感測器的開發,包括 : 溫度計、應變計、水壓計、測傾儀、沉陷計、串列式水壓計、串列式測傾儀、差異沉陷計、低頻加速度計與高載重荷重計等。上述產品除了具有優異的精度與耐用性外,區間式水壓計、差壓式水壓計、串列式水壓計與串列式測傾儀更是具有獨特性 〫
Citpo Technologies Inc. was founded by Dr. He Yande in Hsinchu in 2013. Dr. Ho completed his Ph.D. degree under Dr. An-Bin Huang, a Distinguished Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering of National Yangming Chiaotung University. Professor Huang established a Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensing laboratory in 2002. Dr. Ho worked with Professor Huang in the developments of FBG sensing technology and produced FBG sensors for field monitoring applications. The laboratory became one of the top FBG sensing technology research center in the world.
With over a decade of research and development, from building theoretical foundation, material selection & testing, design innovation and verification, manufacturing method development and verification, development of various types of fixtures, the establishment of industrial adhesives library for various applications, and the development of testing and calibration technology, the cumulative investment has reached NT$80 million. Ciypo has Completed the development of civil-engineering related sensors, including: thermometer, strain gauge, piezometer, tiltmeter, extensometer, piezometer array, IPI (In Place Inclinometer), differential subsidence meter, low frequency accelerometer and high capacity load-cell. In addition to excellent accuracy and durability of the above products, the band pass piezometer, differential pressure piezometer, piezometer array and IPI array are unique.
With over a decade of research and development, from building theoretical foundation, material selection & testing, design innovation and verification, manufacturing method development and verification, development of various types of fixtures, the establishment of industrial adhesives library for various applications, and the development of testing and calibration technology, the cumulative investment has reached NT$80 million. Ciypo has Completed the development of civil-engineering related sensors, including: thermometer, strain gauge, piezometer, tiltmeter, extensometer, piezometer array, IPI (In Place Inclinometer), differential subsidence meter, low frequency accelerometer and high capacity load-cell. In addition to excellent accuracy and durability of the above products, the band pass piezometer, differential pressure piezometer, piezometer array and IPI array are unique.